Monday 29 June 2015

Double Loop Bow Tutorial

For this bow you will need: wide ribbon, Narrow ribbon, tape measure, scissors, needle and thread, a lighter, a hot glue gun. 

1. Cut two lengths of wider style ribbon, each 9 inches long. You can either choose to use the same ribbon for the entire bow or your can coordinate different ribbons. Its up to you. Next cut a 3 inch length of a thinner coordinating ribbon for the centre of your bow. Thread and knot approximately 40cms of cotton onto a needle, leaving a few centimetres of cotton tail at the end for knotting and tying off. You can also complete this bow with three loops if you like. Adding a third loop will create more of a pinwheel bow. 

2. Heat seal the ends of all your ribbon by gently running them through the flame of a lighter. This will ensure they do not fray.

3. Overlap the two ends of your first piece of ribbon and pinch it together in the centre as shown in the picture below.

4. Starting at the back where the edges overlap make small and spaced stitches down the middle of your bow. Do NOT cut or tie off your thread yet.

5. Take your next piece of ribbon and fold it into a matching loop. Line it up directly below the top loop and continue your stitches directly down the middle of this loop. It should look like the picture below.  If you are choosing to add a third loop to make a pinwheel bow, now is the time to do so.

6. Then, gently pull on your thread to gather in the middle of your bow. Ensure that your loops stay stacked on top of each other neatly.

7. Wrap your thread tightly around the centre of your bow 3 times and then tie it off at the back. Now is a good time to adjust your loops to ensure they are sitting nicely. Its ok to tug on them a little.

8. To finish off your bow take your chosen centre ribbon. You can now choose to either leave the centre ribbon flat as show in the picture or you can choose to add a decorative knot. To add the decorative knot simply tie a tight and even knot in the centre of your ribbon. I have included an example photo. Using your hot glue gun place a small dot of glue on the front centre of your bow and stick down the middle of your centre ribbon. Then flip your bow over and fold each of the tails of ribbon down, one at a time, securing them with hot glue to the back of the bow. If the tails of your ribbon are too long to tuck in neatly at the back, simply trim them and heat seal them before gluing them down.

9. You should now have a completed bow that looks similar to this.

Great job!! Your bow is now ready to attach to a clip or headband of your choice!